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Our goal is to improve the health and wellness of professionals.


Our Professional Health Program provides diagnostic evaluation, referral, confidential outpatient treatment program and aftercare monitoring for professionals who struggle with issues that may affect their ability to safely practice medicine or perform healthcare tasks.


We work with individuals who are experiencing difficulties with the following:

  • Drug Addiction

  • Alcohol Addiction

  • Behavioral or Mental Health Disorders

  • Chronic Pain, Depression, and Anxiety

  • Stress, Occupational Burnout

Our goal is to improve the health and wellness of professionals. Chronic stress brought by high educational demands, extended workdays and heavy patient load combined with the lack of emotional support can increase a risk of addiction.


If you are concerned about yourself or a colleague, please contact us (480) 981-2405.


After an initial interview with our Medical Director, Dr. Steven Karp, a healthcare professional is offered recommendations for appropriate evaluation and treatment, at his/her own expense. Our PHP program values your privacy and does not disclose any information about current or former participants without a written release of information.

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